Šestinski vijenac 2, Zagreb, Croatia
28 - 31 May, 2016
Free FI lessons for children with disabilities and participants
Languages: English and Croatian
In May 2016, Nancy and Lynn will give the fifth Feldenkrais Seminar for Parents and Professionals in Zagreb about working with children. The workshop is going to present some of the strategies how parents and professionals can work with babies and children with disabilities. They often need support to learn movement progressions that other children experiment with spontaneously. Parents and professionals will learn how to apply techniques and use ideas from this gentle non-invasive method to help children play with every subsequent developmental milestone.
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais said: “Every emotional state corresponds to a person’s conditioned pattern of muscular contractions.” The use of our eyes and our hands are directly affected by our conditioned pattern of muscular contractions.
This approach is based on neuroscience and uses movement to send new information to the brain. The skill that adults have to provide this information can create new and relevant neural pathways in the child’s brain. Helping a child to improve their ability to perceive themselves and to act as they intend, can improve all areas of a child’s life, be it physical, emotional or mental.
The workshop consists of two parts, the seminary and clinical:
Seminar part, 28 and 29 May – theoretical and practical part for parents and professionals under the guidance of the instructors, Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock. They are going to lead us through the Awareness through Movement group lessons, and through Functional Integration by means of a touch working with another person. Additionally, this will be demonstrated through a lessons with a child.
Timetable: 10 – 5 pm with a lunch break and brief coffee and tea breaks
Clinical part, 30 and 31 May – free individual lessons (Functional Integration) and counselling to parents and professionals. A team of experienced Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel Method Practitioners will be giving free lessons to the children and parents once or twice a day. Both parens and professionals can benefit from hands-on techniques that can be applied in daily life.
During these two days Nancy and Lynn are going to pay special attention to the work of the practitioners with children and to communication with parents and professionals. They will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk about the application of the methods and principles regarding the specific difficulties of children and their parents.
Timetable: 10 - 11, 11 – 12, 12 – 1 pm - lunch, 3 pm – 4 pm, 4 pm – 5 pm, 5 pm – 6 pm
practitioners are working with children simultaneously.
NANCY ABERLE has had a full-time Feldenkrais practice in Zurich since 1998 and specializes in working with babies and children. Nancy is a certified Feldenkrais® practitioner and a certified practitioner in the Anat Baniel Method for Children (sm), based on the work of Dr. Feldenkrais. Since 2004, she has been giving advanced training to Feldenkrais practitioners and regularly supervises practitioners in their work with children.
Kindly fill the application form on: /download application form/, and send it by e-mail:
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or by surface mail to Udruga priroda kretanja, Šestinski trg 5, 10 000 Zagreb.
Contact persons:
Ingrid Kecerin Kasumagi?,Tel: +385 1 4637 719, Mob: +385 91 5069 505
E - mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Nancy Aberle / Feldenkrais Post Grad Studies
Phone: +41 76 796 33 96This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Lynn Bullock
Méthode Feldenkrais
Anat Baniel Méthode Pour Enfants
Tel + 33 6 12 78 35 18
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